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28th Sunday Year C. Luke 17 : 11 - 19. NEVER FORGET THE DEEDS OF THE LORD BE GRATEFUL
Priscilla Shirer | Stand Firm in Your Decision to Follow Christ
DAILY PSALM IN ENGLISH I Never forget the deeds I Friday I 1st ORD Week I Psalm 78: 3, 4bc, 6c-7, 8
Never Forget the Deeds of the Lord, Responsorial Psalm, Friday of 1st Week in Ordinary Time Year 1
Forget the Past | Isaiah 43 | Gary Hamrick
Don't Worry (Matthew 6: 25-34)
Pass The Bread | Bishop Dale C. Bronner
32nd Sunday Year C. Luke 20 : 27 - 38. IN GOD ALL ARE ALIVE
The New Oil | Bishop Dale C. Bronner
Live Led By The Power Of The Spirit (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode
Jesus Gives the Beatitudes (The Chosen Scene)
RESPONSORIAL PSALM, Exaltation of the cross by Divine Love Helen